Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Internasional School, Is it needed?

RSBI and the Future of Islamic School

Written by : Muh Hamim

NIM :10110254

Lately famous gossip about Internsional School Level or SBI (SekolahBertaraf Internasional). An Indonesian government policy to improve the quality of national education in order to have a competitive edge with other developed countries. SBI icon in the eyes of the people of Indonesia can not be separated from the bilingual as a medium of instruction, multi-media learning in class, international standard, or as a prestigious school with a tangle of cooperation between Indonesia and the OECD member countries and institutions of the test / international certification, such as Cambridge, IB, TOEFL / TOEIC, ISO, and others.

In this paper, I will discuss the legal basis for the implementation of SBI, SBI concepts and characteristics, as well as critical analysis of the SBI policy

A. International school policy

1. Legal Basis

a. National Education Law Article 50 Clause 3

Government and / or local governments conduct at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into an international educational unit.[1]

b. Main of the National Education Policy Development in the Department of National Education Strategic Plan 2005-2009.

1). Equity and Access Expansion

2). Improved Quality, Relevance, and Competitiveness. One was the development of international schools to enhance the competitiveness of nations. In this case, the government needs to develop SBI at the district / city through consistent collaboration between the Government and the Government of Regency / Municipality concerned to develop the elementary, junior high school, vocational and international level were 112 units throughout Indonesia.

3). Strengthening Governance, Accountability, and Public Imagery[2].

2. The concept of international school

a. Philosophy Existentialism and Essentialism

Implementation of SBI based on the philosophy of existentialism and essentialism (functionalism). The philosophy of existentialism believes that education should foster and develop the existing learners as optimal as possible through the facilities implemented through the educational process with dignity, pro-change, creative, innovative, and eksperimentif), to grow and develop talents, interests, and abilities of learners [3].

The philosophy of existentialism holds that in teaching and learning, learners should be treated to the maximum to actualize, mengeksiskan, channeling all its potential, both potential (competence) intellectual (IQ), emotional (EQ​​) and Spiritual (SQ).

Essentialism philosophy emphasizes that education must function and relevant to the needs of both the needs of individuals, families, and the needs of various sectors and sub​​-sub-sector, both locally, nationally, and internationally. Associated with the demands of globalization, education should prepare human resources in Indonesia are able to compete internationally. In the second actualize that philosophy, the four pillars of education, namely: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be a valuable benchmark for the alignment of the practices of education in Indonesia, ranging from the curriculum, teachers, the learning process teaching, facilities and infrastructure, until something is judged.[4]

b. SNP + X (OECD)

SNP + X formulation (OECD) means the SNP stands for National Education Standards plus X. While the OECD stands for Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development or an organization of cooperation among countries in the fields of economy and development. Members of these organizations usually have certain advantages in the field of education that has been internationally recognized standards. Which includes members of the OECD are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Koruna Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and other developed countries such as Chile, Estonia, Israel, Russia, Slovenia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. [5]

As in "Quality Assurance Guidelines for School / Madrasah International Level in Elementary and Secondary Education Levels in 2007", that the school / international madarasah is already fulfilled all Nasioanl Education Standards (SNP) and enriched with reference to the standard of education is one member State Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and / or other developed countries that have certain advantages in education, so it has a competitive edge in international fora.

Thus, SNP + X at the top means that the implementation of SBI, school / madrasah must meet National Education Standards (Indonesia) [6]and coupled with the indicator X, mean plus or enriched / be developed / extended / deepened with the OECD standard on the above training centers, industry, test institutes / international certification, such as Cambridge, IB, TOEFL / TOEIC, ISO, study centers and multilateral organizations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, SEAMEO, and so on.
There are two ways to do school / madrasah to meet the characteristics (concept) International Standard School (SBI), the school has been implementing and fulfilling the eight elements of the SNP as an indicator of minimum performance coupled with (X) as an additional key performance indicators. Two ways are: (1) adaptation, ie adjustment of certain elements are already present in the SNP with reference (equivalent / similar) with the standard of education is one member of the OECD and / or other developed countries that have certain advantages in education, it is believed has established a reputation internationally recognized quality, and its graduates have the ability of international competitiveness, and (2) adoption, namely the addition or enrichment / depth / reinforcement / expansion of certain elements that did not exist among the eight SNPs with fixed elements refers to the standard education is one member of the OECD / other developed countries. [7]

c. Characteristics of international School

1). Characteristics of Vision

In an institution / organization, determine the vision is very important as the direction and objectives to be achieved. Tony Bush & Merianne Coleman explained the vision to describe the desired future of the organization. It is closely related to school or college goals, which are expressed in terms-terms of value and describes the desired direction of the organization. Bush & Tony Coleman Merianne quoting Block, that vision is a future that is selected, a desired state.[8]

Vision of International School is: Realization of intelligent Insan Indonesia and internationally competitive.[9] This vision implies an indirect picture of educational goals held by the SBI model schools, namely Indonesia realize that intelligent beings, and competitive / competitive internationally.

2). Essential Characteristics

Essential characteristics of the key indicators of at least (SNP) and additional key indicators (x) as a guarantee of quality international education can be seen in the table below

Karakteristik Esensial SMP-SBI sebagai Penjaminan Mutu

Pendidikan Bertaraf Internasional[10]


Obyek Penjaminan Mutu (unsur Pendidikan dalam SNP)

Indikator Kinerja Kunci Minimal (dalam SNP)

Indikator Kinerja Kunci Tambahan sebagai (x-nya)



Berakreditasi A dari BAN-Sekolah dan Madrasah

Berakreditasi tambahan dari badan akreditasi sekolah pada salah satu lembaga akreditasi pada salah satu negara anggota OECD dan/atau negara maju lainnya yang mempunyai keung-gulan tertentu dalam bidang pendidikan


Kurikulum (Standar Isi) dan Standar Kompe-tensi lulusan

Menerapkan KTSP

Sekolah telah menerapkan system administrasi akademik berbasis teknologi Informasi dan Komu-nikasi (TIK) dimana setiap siswa dapat meng-akses transkipnya masing-masing.

Memenuhi Standar Isi

Muatan pelajaramn (isis) dalam kurikulum telah setara atau lebih tinggi dari muatan pelajaran yang sama pada sekolah unggul dari salah satu negara diantara 30 negara anggota OECD dan/atau dari negara maju lainnya.

Memenuhi SKL

Penerapan standar kelulusan yang setara atau lebih tinggi dari SNP

Meraih mendali tingkat internasional pada berbagai kompetensi sains, matematika, tekno-logi, seni, dan olah raga.


Proses Pembelajaran

Memenuhi Standar Proses

· Proses pembelajaran pada semua mata pelajaran telah menjadi teladan atau rujukan bagi sekolah lainnya dalam pengembangan akhlak mulia, budi pekerti luhur, kepribadian unggul, kepemimpinan, jiwa kewirausahaan, jiwa patriot, dan jiwa inovator

· Proses pembelajaran telah diperkaya dengan model-model proses pembelajaran sekolah unggul dari salah satu negara diantara 30 negara anggota OECD dan/atau negara maju lainnya.

· Penerapan proses pembelajaran berbasis TIK pada semua mapel

· Pembelajaran pada mapel IPA, Matematika, dan lainnya dengan bahasa Inggris, kecuali mapel bahasa Indonesia.



Memenuhi Standar Penilai-an

Sistem/model penilaian telah diperkaya dengan system/model penilaian dari sekolah unggul di salah satu negara diantara 30 negara anggota OECD dan/atau negara maju lainnnya.



Memenuhi Standar Pen-didik

· Guru sains, matematika, dan teknologi mampu mengajar dengan bahasa Inggris

· Semua guru mampu memfasilitasi pem-belajaran berbasis TIK

· Minimal 20% guru berpendidikan S2/S3 dari perguruan tinggi yang program studinya terakreditasi A


Tenaga Kependidikan

Memenuhi Standar Tenaga Kependidikan

· Kepala sekolah berpendidikan minimal S2 dari perguruan tinggi yang program studinya terakreditasi A

· Kepala sekolah telah menempuh pelatihan kepala sekolah yang diakui oleh Pemerintah

· Kepala sekolah mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif

· Kepala sekolah memiliki visi internasional, mampu membangun jejaring internasional, memiliki kompetensi manajerial, serta jiwa kepemimpinan dan enterprenual yang kuat


Sarana Prasarana

Memenuhi Standar Sarana Prasarana

· Setiap ruang kelas dilengkapi sarana pembelajaran berbasis TIK

· Sarana perpustakaan TELAH dilengkapi dengan sarana digital yang memberikan akses ke sumber pembelajaran berbasis TIK di seluruh dunia

· Dilengkapi dengan ruang multi media, ruang unjuk seni budaya, fasilitas olah raga, klinik, dan lain-lain.



Memenuhi Standar Penge-lolaan

· Sekolah meraih sertifikat ISO 9001 versi 2000 atau sesudahnya (2001, dst) dan ISO 14000

· Merupakan sekolah multi kultural

· Sekolah telah menjalin hubungan “sister school” dengan sekolah bertaraf/berstandar internasional diluar negeri

· Sekolah terbebas dari rokok, narkoba, kekerasan, kriminal, pelecehan seksual, dan lain-lain

· Sekolah menerapkan prinsip kesetaraan gender dalam semua aspek pengelolaan sekolah



Memenuhi Standar Pem-biayaan

· Menerapkan model pembiayaan yang efisien untuk mencapai berbagai target indikator kunci tambahan

We are sorry… table just available in Indonesian

3). Characteristics of Quality Assurance (Quality Assurance)

a). Output (product) / SBI graduates

Is to have the capabilities of national plus international standard as well, demonstrated by the SNP Indonesia and mastery of key skills required in a global era.

The characteristics of the output / outcomes of SBI as follows: (1) SBI can melanjtkan graduate education at an international education units, both domestically and abroad, (2) SBI graduates can work on international institutions and / or state-other countries, and (3) won Medalist international levels on various competencies in science, mathematics, technology, arts, and sports[11]

b). Process of Learning SBI

The characteristics of the learning process, assessment, and implementation of SBI as follows: (1) pro-change, namely the learning process which can grow and develop creativity, innovation, reasoning, and experimentation to discover new possibilities, a joy of discovery, (2) apply the model of active learning, creative, effective, and fun; student centered; reflective learning, active learning; enjoyable and Joyful learning, cooperative learning; quantum learning; learning revolution, and contextual learning, all of which have standard international, (3) implementing ICT-based learning in all subjects, (4) the process of learning the English language, particularly the science subjects, mathematics, and technology, (5) the assessment process by using a valuation model excel school of OECD member countries and / or other developed countries, and (6) in the implementation of SBI should use international management standards, namely mengoimplementasikan and achieved ISO 9001 version 2000 or later and ISO 14000, and establishing sister school relationships with international schools abroad.[12]

c). input

The input characteristic of SBI is (1) of the accreditation body has accredited the school in any OECD member countries or other developed countries, (2) standard graduates is higher than the national graduation standards, (3) the number of teachers at least 20% of college-educated S2/S3 a program of study accredited and able to speak english a active. The headmaster at least S2 of college study programs accredited and able to speak english A active. (4) new students (intake) were selected through a sieve strictly elementary report cards, school final exams, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), physical health, and test interview. New students to own SBI potential intelligence exhibited by superior intellectual, emotional, and spiritual, and extraordinary talent.

B. Critical Analysis of Policy international school (SBI)

The main objective is the implementation of international school efforts to improve the quality of national education, in particular to the existence of national education in the eyes of the world Indonesia is recognized and competitive with other developed countries.

Government policy regarding the SBI in addition supported by the Constitution in Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System Article 50 paragraph (3), and also - according to the Satria Dharma -, SBI is a prestigious project, because it will be financed by the central government 50%, 30% of the provincial government, and Regency / City 20%. In fact, for each school only the Central Government issued a 300 million dollars every year for at least 3 (three) years in the pilot. [13]

Since dilendingkan SBI policy, the government also drawn both praise and criticism, be it a compliment that the SBI policy is a step forward to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, as well as criticism that the concept is not preceded by an in-depth study.
There are some things that become weaknesses RSBI and that we can make as a material consideration to criticize government policy regarding the SBI

1. SBI is more likely to use educational planning with Cost Approach Effectivenes (cost effectiveness).

Cost Effectiveness Approach is an approach that emphasizes the use of cost as carefully as possible to obtain an optimum educational outcomes, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Education is only held if it really gives a relatively definite advantages, both for providers and learners.[14]

The consequence of this approach is not all children can receive education in the SBI, SBI more emphasis because the effectiveness of education in achieving optimal results both in quantity and quality, so that the input was taken from children who have superior abilities, both academically, emotionally, spiritually and even financially.

2. Potential Characteristically occur Education System discriminatory and exclusive.

Implementation of SBI will give birth to the concept of education that diskri-minatif (only for students who have superior kemam-puan/kecerdasan) and exclusive (education for children of the rich).

3. The concept of SNP + X is less clear

In the curriculum there is a formula SBI SNP + X. This means that the National Education Standards plus or enriched / developed / extended / deepened with international standards of one member of the OECD or agency test / certification internsional.

Factor X in the above formula does not have a clear direction and purpose. Therefore, this concept does not explain the institution / country that should be adapted / adopted standards, and what factors should be added / enhanced / developed / extended / deepened? Is language learning system, technology, economy, and others. So according to Satria Dharma, maybe this is a strategy that targets who want to pursue a loose and difficult to measure.[15]

4. Potention of Sekularism Education

Birth of SBI could bring the impact of commercialization of education to customers of educational services, such as people, students or parents. This indication appears when the school SBI to attract tens of millions of new students who want to go to school SBI. This is done under the pretext that the international school, equipped with a learning system that refers to the OECD member countries, using advanced information technology, bilingual, and others. [16]

5. Misleading of Education’s Purpose

During this time students are faced with two mecca SBI exam, namely UNAS and Cambridge for example. Several national plus schools that have been designed to follow the direction the two admitted that they are very difficult to follow the two-direction at once.
Satria Dharma says that if the target is going to increase the output quality of learning and education, then adopt or oriented at Cambridge or IB examination system is not the answer. In fact, actually moving all the best potential of education in Indonesia for Cambridge-oriented system is a betrayal of the goals of national education itself. In developed countries such as Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, the government did not let the education system beyond the kind of international or Cambridge or IB entry and use in their school curriculum. Only schools that truly International School status to foreign students are allowed to adopt another educational system.[17]

6. SBI concept tend to place more emphasis on tools rather than process. Indications of this are evident when the administration is more concerned with the SBI tools / instructional media sophisticated, bilingual as a medium of instruction, an international standard, rather than on the process of planting the learners. Prof. Djohar stated that the demands of global education should not be construed only questioned the status of our education of our ranking with other states, but we must point to the improvement of our education for the existence of our nation's children to live in the global arena, with creativity, with EI-and with his AQ, and with knowledge that can not be separated from the reality of their real lives. [18]

7. This concept departs from the wrong assumption about the mastery of English as the language of instruction and its relationship with the TOEFL. The initiator assumes that to be able to teach hard science in English then the teacher must have a TOEFL score> 500. Though there is no relationship between the TOEFL score with hard science teaching skills in English. A high TOEFL score does not guarantee fluency and ability to convey ideas in person in English. TOEFL is more likely to measure the competence of a person, when what is needed is a bilingual school teacher performance, and performance is influenced by many factors of non-linguistic.[19]

8. SBI policies contrary to the autonomy of schools and School Based Management (SBM)

Crash gave birth to school autonomy system of School Based Management (SBM). According to Prof. Djohar, MBS used to determine the legitimacy of policy learning in the school system. Schools have the freedom to determine the measures taken, including the freedom of teachers and students to determine the learning system

[20] While the SBI, the school is still shackled by the learning system from another country.

9. Labeled RSBI and SBI Schools Unconstitutional

School of International labeled (SBI) or stub SBI is unconstitutional because it violates Article 31 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. The article asserts that the Government shall establish and conduct a national education, instead of international education.

School of international labeled, it outside the national education system provided for in Article 31 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. But through Law No. 20 of 2003, Article 50 which regulates the development of international labeled the school is not removed, these schools will continue to be developed, observers said when contacted by the Media Education Darmaningtyas Indonesia in Jakarta, Saturday (15 / 5).

Darmanintyas said the SBI is a form of commercialization of education who violates the constitution. But it's difficult to stop because the National Education Law requires each county / city must develop at least one educational unit that is at least one elementary, junior high, vocational, and high international labeled. Therefore, to stop this, Article% 0 National Education Law should be amended. The government may not act, if the sound laws have not changed, he said.
According Darmaningtyas, the present district / city government has developed an international school is labeled. The school fees charged to students, especially the contribution of education to reach millions and even tens of millions of dollars. In fact, schools are labeled international, public schools, not private schools, he said. (Ken/OL-02). [21]

10. RSBI Only Government Project

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said, the background international school pilot program (RSBI) and international standard schools (SBI) is the only project that the government remains kekeuh to run the program.

Once there is a rule should not take money from parents, schools now can still take money from parents. Supervision is not controlled.
As stated by ICW Coordinator for Education, Ade Irawan, in Jakarta, Monday (31/05/2010). Currently, said Ade, ICW is conducting research on the travel program RSBI / SBI in Indonesia.

We do not deny that the existence RSBI / SBI is said to be stipulated by the Law on National Education System (System), but if you look at his background, actually RSBI / SBI is only looking for money for government projects, said Ade.

It should, said Ade, the Ministry of National Education (Events Calendar) RI see that as a result of this project is very bad for the course of national education. Because once there is a rule should not take money from parents, schools now can still take money from parents. Oversight is not controlled and that poor schools can not in good schools, said Ade.

Consequently, based on the findings of ICW today, more and more schools appeared purporting to admit RSBI. With the motive of making money RSBI wear label, said Ade, a lot of parents who were deceived.
Because the fact of the existence RSBI academic side is not much different from the others, that is different only facilities and money, said Ade.

Reported previously, Education Minister Mohammad Nuh hinted that RSBI not be closed. Nevertheless, its existence will be evaluated in order to be accessible to all levels of society and not exclusive. His philosophy, we encourage the first school that has the potential for it because our population is very much, if raised together difficult.

According to Noah, RSBI and SBI is the mandate of the law and should exist in every province. ? Philosophy, we encourage potential first school for it. Because our population is very much, when lifted with a tough,? Noah said, after inaugurating TBs and Joint Center of Learning at City of Tomorrow Surabaya on Sunday (5/30/2010)[22].

The Future of Islamic Education

As noted above, the system of Islamic education is a fundamental solution to replace the current system of secular education. How is the picture of the Islamic education system? Here's the description at a glance.

5.1. Objectives of Islamic Education

Islamic education is a conscious effort, structured, programmed, and which aims to establish systematic human character, namely:

First, the personality of Islam. This is actually a consequence of a Muslim faith. In essence, a Muslim must have two fundamental aspects, namely the pattern of thought ('aqliyyah) and the pattern of the soul (nafsiyyah) which is grounded in Islamic theology.

To develop the personality of Islam, at least, there are three steps that must be taken, as is exemplified by the Prophet., Namely:

1. Instill belief in Islam to a person in a manner consistent with the category of belief, namely as 'aqeedah' aqliyyah; creed that emerged from the process of deep thought.

2. Inculcate attitudes and istiqà ¢ mah consistent in people who already have a belief in Islam that way of thinking and berprilakunya remain above the basic principles of belief which he believed.

3. Develop the Islamic personality is formed at one with him constantly to fill serious thoughts with tsaqà ¢ ¢ Fah Isla miyyah and practice obedience to Allah SWT.

Second, the master tsaqà ¢ Fah Islam. Islam requires every Muslim to seek knowledge. Based on the dose of its obligations, according to al-Ghazali, the science is divided into two categories, namely


1. Studies that included Fardhu 'ain (individual duty), meaning that every Muslim must be studied, namely Islam Fah tsaqà ¢ consisting of conception, ideas, and laws of Islam, Arabic; sirah of the Prophet PBUH., Ulumul Quran, Koran Tahfizh , Ulumul hadith, usul fiqh, etc..

2. Science is categorized fadhu kifaya (collective obligation); usually the sciences that include science and technology and applied science-skills, such as biology, physics, medicine, agriculture, engineering, etc..
Third, mastered the science of life (science and technology). Mastering science and technology necessary for Muslims to be able to achieve material progress so it can perform its function as the caliph of God on earth as well. Islam set a mastery of science as fardlu kifaya, that is if these sciences is indispensable people, such as medicine, chemistry, physics, aviation industry, biology, engineering, etc..

Fourth, have adequate skills. Mastery of the sciences and engineering and practical exercises the skills and expertise is one of the goals of Islamic education, which should be owned by Muslims in order to carry out his duties as the Caliph of Allah SWT. As mastery of science and technology, Islam also makes the mastery of skills as fardlu kifayah, ie if the skill is necessary for people, such as industrial engineering, aviation, carpentry, and others.

5.2. Islamic education is Integrated Education

In order to produce human resources of education output as expected, have created an integrated educational system. That is, education is not only concentrated on one aspect only. Existing education system should incorporate all the elements forming the superior education system. In this case, at least there are 3 things that should be of concern, namely:

First, the synergy between schools, communities, and families. Education is integral to involve three elements above. Therefore, the above three elements describe the condition of objective factual education. When these three elements has not run in synergy, in addition to each of these elements are also not functioning properly.

Poor education of children at home gives a heavy burden to the school / college and add clutter problem in the midst of society such as the occurrence of student brawls, casual sex, drugs, and so on. At the same time, the situation of poor communities to make clear the values ​​that may have already successfully implanted in the family and school / college to be less optimal. Moreover, if the education received in school is also not good, then the complete destruction of the three pillars of education.

Second, the curriculum is structured and programmed ranging from kindergarten to university level. The curriculum as described above can be a guarantee for the interconnectedness of each child's education students at each hierarchically.
In addition to the charge of supporting Islamic personality formation process continuously administered starting from kindergarten level up to the TS, the charge tsaqà ¢ Fah Islam and Life Sciences (science and technology, expertise, and skills) is given in accordance with the absorption rise and the level of students by ability levels education respectively.

At a basic level or by age baligh (kindergarten and elementary school), preparation of curriculum structure is fundamental to the extent possible, common, integrated, and equitable for all students who followed him.
Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, the will that is sent to the governor, governor, wrote, "After this, teach your children to swim and ride a horse, and tell them polite manners and good poems."

Caliph Hisham ibn Abdul Malik bequeath to Sulaiman al-Kalb, his teacher, "Behold, my son is the light of my eyes. I trust you to teach him. Whom you fear Allah, and fulfill the mandate. First, I bequeath unto you that ye teach him the Koran, then memorized to him al-Quranâ € | "At the level of Higher Education (University), a foreign culture can be delivered in full.

The ideology of socialism-communism or capitalism, secularism, for example, can be introduced to the Muslims after they understand Islam as a whole. Lesson ideology other than Islam and other conceptions delivered not intended to be implemented, but rather to be explained and understood defect-irreproachable and incompatible with human nature.

Third, oriented to the formation of ¢ Fah tsaqà Islam, the Islamic personality, and mastery of science. All three of the above are targets to be achieved. In implementation, the three things above the guidelines for the implementation of orientation and education.

5.3. Education is a State Responsibility

Islam is a system that provides solutions to various problems faced by humans. Any solution which Islam is presented exactly in tune with human nature. In the context of education, Islam has determined that the state is obliged to manage all aspects relating to the education system that is applied and strive for people's education can be obtained easily. Messenger of Allah. He said: Imam (Caliph) is the caretaker of the people and he will be held accountable for the affairs of his people. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Attention of the Prophet. for education looks when he set the captives of Badr can be free if they teach reading and writing to ten residents of Medina. This is a ransom. In the view of Islam, it is the right of redemption goods Baitul Mal (State Treasury). The ransom is equal in value to the release of prisoners of war of Badr. That is, the Messenger of Allah. has made the cost of education is equivalent in value to the goods ransom that should belong to the Baitul Mal. In other words, he gave the wages to the teachers (who were prisoners of war) with the property that should belong to the Baitul Mal. His policy can be interpreted, that the heads of state are fully responsible for any needs of his people, including education. Imam Ibn Hazm, in his book, Al-Ihkà ¢ m, explaining that the head of state (Caliph) is obliged to meet the educational facilities, systems, and people who are paid to educate the public. If we look at the history of the Islamic Caliphate, we will see so much attention to the caliphs of the education of its people.

Similarly, his concern for the fate of the educators. Imam ad-Damsyiqi have to tell a history of al-Atha Wadliyah bin 'which states, that in the city of Medina ever there were three teachers who teach the children.

Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab to give salary to them respectively by 15 dinars (1 dinar = 4.25 grams of gold). Attention of the caliphs not only focused on the salaries of educators and schools, but also educational facilities such as libraries, auditoriums, observatories, etc.. At the time of the Islamic Caliphate, between the famous library of Mosul is the library founded by Jaa € ~ far bin Muhammad (d. 940 AD). The library is frequently visited by the clergy, either for reading or copying. This library visitors get all the necessary tools for free, such as pens, ink, paper, etc.. Even the students who are routinely studied in the library was given the loan book regularly. A Yaqut ar-Rumi scholars praised the inspectors at the city library Mer Khurasa because they allow borrowing as much as 200 books per person without warranty of any kind. This occurred during the 10th century AD Islamic Caliphate Even the caliphs gave a very large award against the authors of the book, namely gold weighing rewarding book he wrote.


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[1] Anonim, 2006. Undang-undang RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. WIPRESS

[2] Anonim, 2006. Rencana Startegis Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2005-2009. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta.

[3] Kir Haryana. 2007. Konsep Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (artikel). Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama., hal. 37

[4] Ibid., hal. 37-38

[5] Kir Haryana. 2007. Konsep Sekolah, hal. 41

[6] Standar Nasional Pendidikan meliputi; standar isi, standar proses, standar kompetensi lulusan, standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pengelolaan, standar pembiayaan, dan standar penilaian.( Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan).

[7] Kir Haryana. 2007. Konsep Sekolah, hal. 41

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[9] Kir Haryana. 2007. Konsep Sekolah, hal. 43

[10] Ibid., hal. 45

[11] Ibid.,hal. 41

[12] Ibid., hal 42

[13] http/www.satriadharma.wordpress.com

[14] Usman, Husaini. 2006. Manajemen Teori, Praktik, dan Riset Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara., hal 59

[15] http/www.satriadharma.wordpress.com

[16] Sebagaimana Soelastri Soekirno/ tonny d widiastono mempertanyakan bahwa, apakah sekolah-sekolah yang kabarnya menggunakan standar internasional dan menarik uang masuk mulai dari Rp 30 juta hingga Rp 60 juta dan uang sekolah Rp 1,5 juta hingga Rp 2 juta per bulan, masih mengemban misi ingin mencerdaskan bangsa? Entahlah. Namun, fenomena baru yang muncul di masyarakat justru sekolah-sekolah seperti itu yang kini malah laku. Lakunya sekolah seperti itu umumnya karena menggunakan bahasa asing sebagai pengantar, jumlah siswa yang kecil untuk tiap kelas, dan fasilitas yang canggih. (http/www.

[17] http/www.satriadharma.wordpress.com

[18] Djohar. 2006. Pengembangan Pendidikan Nasional Menyongsong Masa Depan.Yogyakarta: CV. Grafika Indah., hal. 211

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[20] Djohar. 2006. Pengembangan Pendidikan…,hal. 236